The Dreaded Isles

Population:90,000 (80% human, 10% half-elf, 5% halfling, 5% other)
Exports:Piracy, violence, bloodstone
Languages:Common, Draconic, Expletives
Unofficial Colour(s):Black, crimson(red), scarlet(red)
Unofficial Motto:“Your money or your life? I think I’ll take both!”

Far to the west of the continent lies the archipelago of the Dreaded Isles. Once said to have been colonies of various old kingdoms and empires, the Isles are now lawless havens of piracy and cutthroats. The Vespician Merchant Navy must fend off almost daily raids by pirate ships that threaten the coastal waters. Rumour has it though, that the accumulated treasure of the Isles rivals that of a dragon’s hoard.


I suppose if you could call piracy an industry you’d call it that here. There’s also a substantial mercenary trade in the Dreaded Isles, and many countries hire escort ships and privateers from the more civilized islands.

Life and Society

Most of the islands are governed by the cutlass. Those who survive for any length of time usually bear the scars of many duels and fights.

Government and Politics

Aside from the occasional pirates’ council, where the rival factions come together to discuss issues and usually by the end of the day attempt to kill each other, there really is no central leadership.

Some of the more hospitable islands do have some form of government, but they are generally small and based on family or community ties.

Power Groups

Possibly the most famous Dread Pirate of the Isles is Captain Savic (CE male half-elf, rogue 6/dread pirate 3). Rumour is that he commands a fleet of commandeered vessels including several Vespician frigates, a man-o-war, and even a Granditore battleship, which he uses as his floating headquarters. Apparently not a very nice man, he’s said to be quite the cutthroat, and apparently has hobbies in dueling, chess, and feeding prisoners to piranhas. There’s lots of stories, but no one knows for sure what he looks like.


Most pirates are too busy slaughtering and stealing to worship anything. If they do, its usually someone like Nul (CE), Gon (NE), Ruse (CN), or Malice (NE).

Major Settlements / Important Sites

The majority of pirate hideouts are secret in location and therefore difficult to map.

One pirate in particular happens to make his location known to all. Making his base of operations out of the inn near the island's main port, Baltek, the 'Dragon's Bane' (NE male human, rogue 5) uses the fame of his inn's collection of severed dragon heads to intimidate those with whom he makes his dealings. There are rumours that the heads were not collected by Baltek himself, but the source of those rumours always end up silenced.

Adventuring In The Dreaded Isles

One word: Pirates! Seriously, if you can handle those, this place is adventure. If not, stay far, far away.

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