
Intercivilization Vanguard of the Concordancy


Founded at the end of the Human-Xenocross Wars with the signing of the Human-Xeno Concord, the Vanguard began as a peacekeeping force that over time developed into its own civilization. This society, now known as the Concordancy, would be a completely non-speciesist empire including all known species.


Due to the complexity of the many cultures present, the Concordancy functions as a loose alliance rather than a cohesive society. A set of treaties known as the Concords form the basis of the system, with each member state being required to adhere to them strictly.

If there is any unifying policy, it is the desire to maintain long-term peace at any cost. The Concordancy will annihilate an entire world if they are deemed “war-like”.


Page last modified on July 22, 2014, at 10:08 PM
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