The Hierarchy Of Powers

The powers of the omniverse can be classified according to level of dimensionality.

0D – Inanimate Objects

Inanimate objects are essentially zero dimensional entities as they are completely powerless.

1D – Individual Persons

Individual persons can be thought of as one dimensional. They can move forward according to their worldline.

2D – Terrestrial Societies

Terrestrial societies, through local cooperation, are able to simultaneously control an area of land, effectively making them two dimensional powers.

3D – Spacefaring Civilizations

Spacefaring civilizations have total control of the three dimensions of space.

4D – Time Travellers

Time travellers are capable of manipulating the fourth dimension of time. They are able to, in the process of time travel, create branching timelines such that a subset of worlds are casually changed by them, with a subset of worlds unaffected originals.

5D – Parallel World Travellers

Parallel World Travellers can do more than just branch the timelines, but also somehow traverse between them and somehow lock in changes such that there is no originating alternative branch.

6D – Simulators

The capacity to simulate reality is, for those trapped in the simulation, very powerful. These simulations can range from local sensory simulations, resembling the Matrix, to global physics simulations, such that the entire observable universe is part of the simulation. Regardless, simulators generally have total control of their simulations. The physics outside the simulation are potentially completely unknown or different, a unique metareality.

7D – Meta-Simulators

These are potential, hypothetical simulators of the metareality that the simulators exist in. They could possibly operate recursively in the omniverse.

8D – The Alpha Omega

The Alpha Omega is the most powerful being in the omniverse. It controls the outermost, base foundation of reality and thus the entirety of the omniverse. It is the first power to arise, and the last power to exist.

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